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All posts by: PeelRidgeStud

5 Tips to Prepping Show Ready Waterfowl   When you are reasonably new to showing ducks and geese it can be hard to know where to start, and there is way more......
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When Do Ducks Moult? Moulting is the most important process your ducks can go through. It’s the time where old feathers are replaced with new improved ones. The reason it’s important......
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What Ducks Make the Best Pets? Q: I live in the city in about a five hundred square block, what’s the right duck for me? If you have been trying......
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Geese as Pets – Which breed is right for me? Geese are amazingly intelligent animals. If raised the right way they will become friends for life. Hand raising sexed goslings......
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How to Incubate Eggs I get many people calling, looking for advice about the management of their breeding season, and how to incubate eggs. Especially to do with their test and monitoring......
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The instructions given in this article of how to catch and handle geese are inline with the Australian Animal Welfare Standards. For more information head to http://www.animalwelfarestandards.net.au/ How to Catch and......
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Breeding Show Ready Rouen Ducks Breeding “Show Quality Team” of Rouen Ducks, or any birds for that matter is not an easy task. You need to have passion, and drive......
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“N.B. This may not be the most ideal solution for everyone. You should always check in with your local council for your area’s rules and regulations regarding how you are able to......
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Disclaimer: The opinions given in this post on how to fix Angel Wing are my own, based on my own experiences. I am not medically trained and do not claim......
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